Approval RTM 1688-2 in Switzerland
Our RTM 1688-2, Radon/Thoron monitor is approved for calibration in Switzerland!
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Extended scope of accreditation for radon calibrations
Now Radon calibrations at 30 kBq/m³ possible within the scope of accreditation
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SARAD Radon calibration laboratory accredited by DAkkS
The time has come. The radon calibration laboratory of SARAD GmbH has been accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) as a calibration laboratory for the measurand radon activity concentration under the registration number D-K-21847-01-00.
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Recognition as a body according to §155 StrlSchV for radon meas.
SARAD GmbH has been recognized by the Federal Office as a body according to §155 StrlSchV.
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Now available: The new RTM 2200 Soil Gas (2020-03-27)
New instrument for measuring the radon concentration and the permeability in soil
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Radon online monitoring software for free (2019-12-04)
With SARAD ROOMS we offer our customers the possibility to show the Radon results of varous instruments at one large screen over LAN or WiFi. The installation is very easy. Detailled information under Applications (Radon & Thoron).
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New regulations on radon (2017-08-28)
There is a new reference value of 300 Bq / m³ in buildings.
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Radon Sout Home在柏林BfS刻度成绩优异。(2017-03-22)
之前在柏林BfS(联邦辐射防护局)的刻度实验中,我们随机抽取了3台Radon Scout Home参加了刻度。最后显示2台仪器的偏移为1%,另一台为2%,结果十分优异。
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poCAMon便携式个人连续放射性气溶胶监测仪 (2014-08-12)
poCAMon(Personal Online Continuous Air Monitor)便携式个人连续放射性气溶胶监测仪,大流量恒流采样,超长电池运行时间,紧凑便携的外形设计。
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全球首推:钍测量仪-Thoron Scout! (2014-06-04)
十分自豪,我们终于又向世界推出一款全新的钍测量仪-Thoron Scout。这台仪器中,我们首次实现了运用扩散式原理,进行氡与钍浓度的同时测量。通过我们设计的,独特的外置渗透式测量腔室,快速置换采样目标气体。同时Thoron Scout的相对灵敏度几乎达到和泵吸式仪器持平。
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欧盟项目Protect Rail圆满结束 (2013-10-16)
2013年10月,在波兰小城Zmigrod,该项由欧盟发起,历时三年,以改善铁路交通安全为目标的项目(seventh framework programme),进行了最后为期两周的示范演习。
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SARAD通过ISO9001-2008认证 (2013-10-07)
Wiesbadener Straße 10
DE-01159 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 65807-22
Fax: +49 351 65807-18
E-mail: info@sarad.de
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