
RTM 2200 Soil Gas : Monitor for radon/thoron soil gas sampling
The RTM 2200 Soil Gas is the ultimate tool for a quick, accurate and reliable in situ radon soil gas measurement (EN ISO 11665-11) by a single keystroke. The implemented sampling cycle covers the determination of the soil permeability as well as the chamber flushing with fresh air at the end of the measurement. A water inlet protection switches off the pump in case of accidentally sucking of ground water. The integrated GPS receiver makes the later mapping of sampling points easy.
便携式氡/钍测量仪-通用版RTM 1688-2
RTM 1688-2是一款真正意义上的通用型氡/钍测量仪,可进行所有氡测量相关项目(空气,土壤, 析出率,水氡等)。 具有高灵敏及α能谱分析功能特性,低水平氡浓度下快速响应,并且即时得出钍浓度。
Radon Scout eXpert : Radon Monitor for reference measurements
Radon Monitor with outstanding sensitivity for calibration and reference measurements
Radon Scout Everywhere : Professional remote radon monitoring
The Radon Scout Everywhere is a professional radon monitor for living rooms and working places as well. It is a remote controlled (LTE) radon sensor with switching output.
Thoron Scout : Radon & thoron measurements
The instrument allows the simultaneous activity concentration measurement of radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn) based on a diffusion type measurement chamber.
Radon Scout/Radon Scout PLUS
便携式连续测氡仪Radon Scout,专为长时间氡测量设计,内置温湿度探头,以及移动位移感应器。 两节标准D型电池维持测量长达数月之久。
Radon Scout Professional : Radon monitor/dosimeter
High sensitive and dosimeter sized radon monitor—even perfect for ventilation control and usage as personal dosimeter!
Smart Radon Sensor : Monitor for building automatisation systems
SARAD’s outstanding detector technology defines a new level of radon monitoring in buildings and at workplaces as requested by EU regulations for radiation protection. Alert switch, RS-485 MODBUS RTU and 4-20 mA interface implemented.
Radon Scout Home : Monitoring of radon in living spaces
The Radon Scout Home is used for long-term monitoring of the legal reference value for the radon concentration in breathing air
Wiesbadener Straße 10
DE-01159 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 65807-22
Fax: +49 351 65807-18
E-mail: info@sarad.de
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