
SARAD GmbH is a medium-sized technology company with an international focus, yet with roots in Dresden. Our core competencies are the development and the production of radiation and environmental instrumentation for radiation protection, geology, medicine, nuclear technology and research.
As an owner-managed company, future-oriented business development takes the first place all of our actions. We are continuously looking for the optimal technical solutions for our customers and realize them through a sustainable manufacturing process. We use the latest development tools for software, hardware and mechanical design. Our in-house manufacturing capabilities, such as chip bonding, PCB assembly or mechanical prototyping, guarantee extensive technical know-how and the greatest possible flexibility.
SARAD products are at home at the global market. Our instruments can be found in almost every country in the world. In order to be able to offer our customers optimum support, we maintain a worldwide network of dealers and service partners. Employees from all our departments maintain direct contact with users on site and thus permanently receive suggestions for new products, improvements and applications.
Our claim is to offer technically leading and high-quality products and services. For this reason, all areas of our company have been certified according to ISO 9001:2015. We operate a radon calibration laboratory in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17025. Our employees live the SARAD quality promise every day by their focused and professional attitude of work.
The company’s location in Dresden offers a high quality of life and allows us an excellent cooperation with leading technical education and research institutions such as the TU Dresden, Fraunhofer institutes or the Helmholtz Center. Continuous participation in national and international research projects ensures us a high level of innovation and access to the latest research results.
The satisfaction of our employees is the basis of our success. We offer our staff an attractive working environment with modern workplaces and the park-like company grounds in the centre of Dresden. Demanding activities, ever new challenges, personal responsibility and flat management structures offer a lot of space for personality development. Flexible working hours make it easier to combine work, family and leisure. Joint cultural and sporting activities, as well as barbecues in the garden, ensure a relaxed and familial working atmosphere.
- The company SARAD GmbH was established by the physicist Dr. Thomas Streil
- The office of the company was located in Dresden-Gittersee at the premises of the “Bergsicherung Freital”; major business area was the investigation and remediation of radiological contaminated objects
- Start of the development of electronic radon monitors
- Introduction of the first series of SARAD radon and radon daughter product monitors
- Relocation of the company into larger premises in Pesterwitz near Dresden
- Development and installation of autonomous geophysical measuring stations in non-urban areas, e.g. in Mexico, Philippines, Turkey, Taiwan
- Within the framework of a project of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, SARAD develops the world’s first electronic personal dosimeters for radon and radon progeny products
- Together with the University of Göttingen, cascade impactors are developed and manufactured for the determination of the particle size-specific activity distribution of radon daughter products.
- Relocation to an own facility in Dresden, the current location of the company
- Triggered by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, SARAD develops the world’s first personal dosimeter for radioactive aerosols with alarm function
- Development of the Radon Scout primary version as the first inexpensive and sensitive radon monitor for a wide range of indoor applications
- Expansion of the radon product range, including development of the world’s first transmitter for integration into ventilation control systems
- Establishment of own manufacturing facilities for semiconductor detectors (clean room) and printed circuit boards
- Start of development of the DACM instrument platform as a basis for flexible instrument development and customer-specific solutions
- Development and advancement of gamma spectroscopic measurement techniques for fast and easy analysis of material and food samples in the aftermath of the Fukushima reactor accident
- Expansion of the product range for the measurement of long-lived radioactive aerosols
- Cooperation in various international safety projects such as “Protect Rail”
- Takeover of the management by Mrs. Teresa Streil
- Commissioning of the first commercial radon calibration laboratory according to ISO 17025
- Approval RTM 1688-2 in Switzerland
- Extended scope of accreditation for radon calibrations
- MyRIAM / DOSEman / DOSEman PRO
- SARAD Radon calibration laboratory accredited by DAkkS
Wiesbadener Straße 10
DE-01159 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 65807-22
Fax: +49 351 65807-18
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